We needed some curtains quick, but I didn’t want to buy fabric that wasn’t on sale at Hobby Lobby, and no one ever came to cut the fabric at Walmart – and nothing else is close for us living out in the country. So I had to improvise.
I did buy a curtain rod- and hanging that is the worst part. I tried the drywall screws first but that didn’t work- I finally just used a drill to screw in the screws. It’s not perfect but it will work. Also the curtain rod was a little bent.
BUT…. I had a couple top sheets we don’t use and I cut a slit on each end where the fabric is folded over for the curtain rod to go through- and the sheets became curtains until we can get some fabric!
This is before with the mini blinds that fell down on the floor. ( mini blinds are a pain, imo)

This is after- you can see the rod is bent and the sheets touch the floor. oh well!

I’m happy with how quick and easy it was, and it is way better than hanging the sheet over the door or window or whatever. This works!
So if you are needing curtains and can’t get fabric- try this! You can call it repurposing!